More information on how these images were taken
High-res originals can be found here and here and here.
Beware - they are 900kb each.
Who, Where & When
Images taken by Anthony Wesley
Location:Canberra, Australia
Suburban backyard in Flynn, north-western suburb, reasonably dark skies.
Date & Time:August 16 2003, 2.30am - 3am local time (2430 - 1500 UTC)
Seeing Conditions: Very good. Scope was used at full aperture.
Temperature: -3 celcius
The telescope is a 250mm f/6 newtonian, with a 34mm dia. secondary mirror giving a central obstruction of only 14 percent.
Focusser assembly: JMI NGF-mini.
Mount: Losmandy G-11.
Camera: Philips ToUCam Pro webcam
The camera was looking through an Orion "shorty" 2x barlow, which was stacked into
a Meade seried-4000 2x barlow for effective f/24.
Software: Capture and camera control using qastrocam under Linux.
Stacked images using Registax under win2k.
Processed through deconvolution filtering and colour correction in Astra Image 2.0 MAX
Final touch up in the GIMP.
The stacked images here were made by stacking about 200 raw frames. The raw frames were quite noisy, but contained a lot of good information.